Anneline Moret

PhD Student


I’m an international PhD student from France with the EUTOPIA framework. I’m interested in everything related to cellular trafficking. In Steve Royle’s lab, I am focused on improving a technique called Hot-wiring, which allows for the control of alpha5 integrin endocytosis. I am also using this tool to modulate the interactions between cells and their environment in order to understand its impact on cellular behavior, particularly in ovarian cancer.


  • Cergy Paris Université (CYU)
    • MSc in Cellular and Molecular Biology of Microenvironnements, 2022-2024.
    • BS in Cell Biology and Biochemistry, 2020-2022.
  • Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)
    • Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie (eq. BTEC National Diploma) with Biological and Biochemical Analysis as specialism, 2018-2020.