If you are a bright, enthusiastic person interested in the work we do, .
Vacancies will come up from time-to-time and will be advertised here, on and on Naturejobs. There are several sources for fellowships to come and work in our lab: EMBO, Human Frontiers Science Program, Royal Society and Marie Curie. Please contact us if you are interested.
There are two routes to come to the lab as a post-graduate student. Firstly, we host mini-project students from the various programmes in Warwick and these may developed into a full PhD research project. Secondly, students can come direct to the lab to start their PhD. There are currently several sources of funding for each of these possibilities.
- MRC Doctoral Training Partnership in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research
- Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership
- Molecular Analytical Science EPSRC
- Warwick A*Star Research Attachment Programme
There are also scholarship competitions for students of all nationalities that have a January deadline. Note that not all of these schemes run every year.
- International Chancellor’s Scholarships - open to overseas students
- EUTOPIA Scholarships - open to overseas students
- China Scholarship Council - Warwick Scholarships - open for Chinese nationals
- Warwick Monash Alliance PhD Scholarships - 2 years Warwick + 1 year Monash - open for all nationalities
For summer research experience, there is a compeitive funding from BSCB and from Warwick. Contact us for details.
We do not accept (unpaid) interns, as this system disadvantages those who cannot afford to work for free.